Enhancing Hotel Booking Processes: How Zuna AI Transformed Operations for a Leading Conglomerate

Enhancing Hotel Booking Processes:
How Zuna AI Transformed Operations for a Leading Conglomerate


A prominent conglomerate faced significant challenges in managing hotel bookings for its employees due to a cumbersome manual workflow. Seeking efficiency and automation, the company partnered with Zuna AI, a global accommodation provider, to revolutionize its hotel booking process.


The objective was to simplify and automate hotel bookings while gaining insights into corporate and market rates.

Challenges Faced

  1. Manual Workflow: The administrative team struggled with sending countless emails to hotels for corporate bookings, resulting in inefficiencies.
  2. Follow-ups: Managing follow-ups for each booking led to delays and potential errors.
  3. Rate Comparison: The company lacked a centralized system to compare corporate rates with prevailing market rates.

Zuna AI's Solution

  1. Integration and Contract Upload: Zuna AI integrated its platform with the company’s channel manager, allowing seamless uploading of over 200 hotel contracts for instant bookings and cancellations.  
  2. Automated Workflow: By automating processes, Zuna AI reduced administrative workload and enhanced efficiency. 
  3. Centralized Communication: The platform enabled single-platform communication with hotels, enhancing transparency and reducing errors.
  4. Rate Comparison and Analysis: Zuna AI’s platform provided insights into corporate and market rates, facilitating better negotiations and cost-saving opportunities.

Benefits and Outcomes

  1. Improved Efficiency: Zuna AI’s solution eliminated manual workflows, enabling smoother and faster bookings. Time and Cost Savings: Reduced administrative tasks led to significant time savings and avoided unnecessary expenses. 
  2. Transparent Communication: Centralized communication ensured clarity and prevented miscommunication. 
  3. Rate Optimization: Access to detailed rates allowed better negotiations and cost optimization. 
  4. Enhanced Control and Insights: The company gained better control and insights into spending patterns.


Through collaboration with Zuna AI, the company successfully streamlined its hotel booking process, reducing workload, enhancing efficiency, and achieving substantial time and cost savings. The partnership enabled faster bookings and effective management of corporate rates, showcasing the benefits of automation and centralized communication.

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